Disclaimer: This site contains fiction and writing of an adult nature, by clicking on a link below you are affirming that you are 18 or over of the legal age for reading adult material in your country. This site contains BDSM themes and male on male sexual writings, if you find these offensive then do not read; readers view at their own risk accepting that these warnings have been given! |
Contact Me/Feedback
Important Note: Hopefully all except one of the fics that were affected by the glitch when the site changed from version 1 to 2 should be rectified, if you find something that is still wonky then please let me know, thanks :)
UPDATE: 28-8-16 Sadly I've not written anything in a while - this makes me sad. I have a billionty WiPs on my computer, but my muse is fickle.
Most Recent Updates: (for fic intro's, warnings & summaries etc, see the fandom index pages)
Star Trek: Voyager: Freefalling (2 Dec 09); Readjusting Resolutions (7 Dec 09); SGA: Perceived Freedom (12 Dec 09)
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My Kink Bingo 2008!
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Star Trek: Voyager
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(Warning: Some of these poems have dark themes, reference to past abuse and self injury)
Black Velvet - Adult X-men themed Role Play Game 18+
Awards for Kink!Fanfic from 2006/7
This site is always being updated,
please continue to check back for updates regularly.
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©Everything on this site is the intellectual property of azure chaos (Nathaniel R), unless otherwise stated (credit will be given for other peoples work). If you are reproducing it anywhere then please a)inform me first b) give me the proper credit. |
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